Monday, September 17, 2007

What Matters from the fischbowl

The post “What Matters” is a post from the fischbowl. This article talks about a teacher at Arapahoe and how her class was to focus on what matters. The class used what matters as a project to see what matters to the student (a collage). But the teacher also related the “What Matters” lesson in every project or assignment the class was given.

The article “What Matters” is a great way to teach, helps students relate to the world, and help the class relate to themselves. What Matters helps teach because it helps the student get the importance out of the lesson. In order for the student to do this all he or she must ask is, “what matters”. After asking, “What Matters” the next question is “why” or “why does this matter”. This helps kids know where they stand and why, which helps the lesson relate to themselves. This method teaches students to relate to the world by teaching them what matters in the world or what is going on in the world. This helps student find their place in the world because they will know what to stand for. This is why What Matters is a great way to teach, helps students relate to the world, and helps the class relate to themselves.

Aaron Harder

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